Söder warns of the end of the epidemic situation – the incidence in Berlin rises to over 100 for the first time

Of the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) warns of an expiry of the epidemic situation at the federal level. When this happens, “there is no longer any de facto legal basis – no matter what. Neither for testing in school, nor for masks, nor for completely normal ideas like 3G plus, or 2G or 3G, ”he said on Thursday morning on Bayerischer Rundfunk. At that moment, “not just Freedom Day, but then there is no longer any possibility. To a certain extent, society is then defenseless. ”Then each individual would have to take care of his or her protection.

Söder said you don’t have to make a forecast four weeks in advance. The numbers rose significantly and the situation became more difficult. He stressed that you need a “clean, sensible legal basis” in order not to be defenseless if the numbers rose again in winter. But it does not depend on the expression epidemic situation. What you call the basis is not decisive.

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