Socios CEO: “2022 Will Be the Year of Fan Tokens!”

Alex Dreyfus, CEO of Socios and CHZ, was among those who announced their 2022 prospects for cryptocurrencies. Saying that fan tokens will be at the forefront in the sports economy in 2022, Dreyfus made statements that raised expectations.

Stating that the fans are at the center of the game, Dreyfus said, “The fans want to make their voices heard more and to communicate bilaterally with the clubs they support. Fan tokens sort of fulfill this task.” said.

Stating that they have 108 business partners in 9 different sports branches, Dreyfus stated that there are 48 football clubs among them.

The famous CEO, who also shared the age ranges of fan token investors, stated that 45% were in the 25-34 age range. In terms of percentage, the second largest age group is the young population between the ages of 18-24 with 25%.

Stating that the industry continued to grow in 2021, but many activities were suspended due to the prohibition environment created by the pandemic, the CEO expressed his expectations for 2022 with the following words:

“Due to the pandemic, we have suspended many activities that require physical participation, and as of this season, we have started to implement some of our projects within the limits of possibility. In the coming days, we will offer even better experiences to the fans. We continue to work with the clubs on this issue. The year 2022 will be the year of fan tokens in terms of sports economy.”

*Not Investment Advice.

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