Socioeconomic Situation Affects Success A lot in Turkey

The OECD’s “Education at a Glance 2021” report revealed striking results, especially for Turkey and Japan. According to the research, women in Japan do not show interest in scientific sectors. Turkey, on the other hand, was recorded as the country where student success was most affected due to socioeconomic conditions.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), updated its annual report “Education at a Glance 2021”. Researches have shown that Turkey, especially known for its technological development, Japan produced a striking result. If you wish, let’s move on to the details of the report published by the OECD.

OECD’s A Education at a Glance 2021 According to the report, the participation of women in scientific fields in Japan is below the world average. According to this, only 27 percent of female students turn to fields such as mathematics, statistics and natural sciences. While the overall average of OECD countries is 52 percent, the rate in Japan is among OECD countries. last place means. The reason why such a situation is taking place in Japan is because of stereotypical images. Japanese women, this situation feel the difficulties they say.

Socio-economic status affects student achievement in Turkey

The important result of the research for Turkey, socio-economic about the situation. According to OECD’s research, unfortunately, Turkey is the country where socioeconomic status affects student achievement the most. The reasons why Turkey could not face such a result are access to educational materials, can’t find a place to work and parents’ lack of support.


Turkey Has the Slowest Internet Among OECD Members

The OECD’s research has also revealed a striking fact about the education life of young people. Accordingly, the probability of students in disadvantaged groups continuing their education, falling more and more. In particular, factors such as the effect of the pandemic, the migration waves and the transition to digital education, from education to remove has started…

Source : kat%C4%B1l%C4%B1m-rate%C4%B1-in japan

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