Small humanoid robot Unitree G1 is on sale

Unitree G1, a humanoid robot that attracts attention with its affordable price and various abilities, has been officially introduced. China-based robot manufacturer Unitree aims to make robot technology more accessible to the general user with this new model. Let’s see what it can do.

Unitree G1 is the company’s newest humanoid robot. This robot, approximately 1.27 meters tall, was designed for various tasks at home. However, its small size may be a disadvantage for some jobs. For example, they may have difficulty reaching kitchen counters or the bottom shelves of cabinets.

One of the most striking features of the robot is that it can take off from the ground on its own. Similar to Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot, G1 can rise from a prone position by pulling its knees and planting its feet on the ground. However, during this movement he takes a rather interesting and unusual position. Also, the balance of the robot is quite good; It can maintain its stability even in the face of challenging movements and external factors.

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The robot’s walking and running capabilities are also impressive. Walking and running in a semi-squat position, G1 can move at a speed of approximately 2 meters per second. However, the robot’s payload capacity is quite limited; It can only carry 2 kg. This raises questions about how effective the robot can be in household chores.

The fact that Unitree G1 is equipped with technology distinguishes it from other budget-friendly robots. The robot’s vision system consists of an Intel RealSense D435 depth camera and Livox-MID360 lidar sensor. These components enable the robot to perceive its environment and recognize objects. However, in order to use the full potential of this hardware, users need to have some programming knowledge.

The battery capacity of the robot is 9,000 mAh and offers a usage time of approximately two hours. Although its weight is stated differently in various sources, it varies between approximately 35-47 kg. This may affect the robot’s portability and practicality in daily use.

In Unitree’s promotional video, G1 is seen trying to do some simple household chores. However, it is difficult to say that the robot is completely successful in these tasks. For example, he creates a huge mess when trying to crack a walnut, and he breaks the bottle when trying to open a coke bottle. Such situations show that the robot still needs development.

Although Unitree G1 is an interesting robot with its affordable price and advanced technological features, there are some question marks about how useful it is in daily life. The robot’s small size and limited payload capacity may make it inadequate for some tasks.

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However, the technology and potential offered by this robot can be considered as a sign that more advanced models may emerge in the future. What are you thinking? Please don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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