Sites Advertised on Google Will Be More Spotted

US technology giant Google has announced an update that will make it “easier” to spot advertisers that rank high in search results.

Google, which many of us use almost every day, has been in search results for years. places advertising sites at the top. You may have noticed that with every search you do, strange irrelevant sites occupy the very top and almost half of the first page. Sometimes, we do not notice these ads on a site that will not be of use to us. we can spend minutes.

Google, which almost brought into our eyes that such sites once advertised, made a small change in 2019. made it difficult to detect. The US technology giant, which received many complaints from users in this direction, finally decided to change this system.

“Sponsored” will be written instead of “Advertisement”

Ginny Marvin, Google’s head of advertisements, said in a statement on his Twitter account today, “Advertisementthe phrase “”sponsored“They changed it to,” he said. Marvin also noted that the color blue, which was previously hard to see on a black and white background, added that it will be replaced by green.

According to the news of Search Engine Land, Google officials, who tested this new advertising phrase with a limited number of users in the first quarter of 2022, said in the feedback of users.sites with ads both on mobile and PC much more comfortable has been detected” they said. However, many users on the Reddit forums use this phrase while doing an important search. that they can easily overlook stated.


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Over the years, Google has made arrangements to make advertising sites more difficult to notice, and often asks its users about this. is subject to criticism. Do you think that writing “sponsored” instead of “advertisement” next to sites that advertise to Google will make it easier for you to notice these sites?

Google’s “sponsored search result” phrases over the years

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