A Reddit user made a website that shows what the consequences can be if an asteroid hits anywhere on Earth. We tried what would happen if an asteroid hits Istanbul. Let’s look at the results together.
Let’s face it, we all have it once in our lives. ‘What would happen if an asteroid hit the Earth now?‘ we thought. This frightening scenario, which has been the subject of movies many times, has the potential to destroy humanity. So what are the consequences of a meteorite impact? One Reddit user says he has the answer to that.
Real name Neal Agarwal A person with the OrangePrototype user name, who is the owner, stated that he created a very interesting website in a post he made on Reddit yesterday. website, an asteroid What effects might occur as a result of hitting the Earth? shows in detail. Let’s take a look at how this site can be used and what can happen as a result.
First we need to choose where the asteroid will fall.
When we first log into the site, we are greeted by a world map and a section on the side with information about the asteroid. First of all, we choose the place where the asteroid will fall from the map. We are Turkey’s largest city Istanbul we chose.
Now let’s determine the details about the asteroid.
Secondly, we determine the details about the asteroid. The developer has allowed many different details to be determined, from the type of the asteroid to its speed. For our first attempt, let’s use a stone asteroid, exaggerate the size a bit, and set a random velocity. in diameter 500 meters Let’s set it up. After this information, which we randomly determined in our minds, the ‘Launch Asteroid’ Let’s press.
Here are the results if an asteroid with a diameter of 500 meters falls on Istanbul: A crater 13 kilometers wide and 636 meters deep, millions of dead
After that, the meteorite falls to the place we have determined. First, we see what happens as a result of the impact. The stone 500 meters in diameter asteroid that fell on the Anatolian Side of Istanbul, 13 kilometers wide crater estimated when creating 1 million 88 thousand 963 people died by evaporation why is this happening. The depth of the crater is exactly 636 meters. In addition, as a result of the impact, more energy is released than the world consumes in a year, and that such a large impact every 411,000 years is also seen on the site.
Of course, the results are not limited to these. According to the site, if such an impact occurs, a 22-kilometer-wide fireball will form, the effects of which reach as far as Kırklareli and Balıkesir. 7 million 566 thousand 878 people will lead to death. In addition, 394,145 people will have third degree burns and 638 thousand 611 people will have second degree burns. While trees within 190 kilometers will burn, all clothing within 99 kilometers will also catch fire.
As you know, a huge shock wave will come after the collision. According to the site, if something like this happens, it’s a shock wave. 6 million 233 thousand people loses his life. While the lungs of everyone within a 65-kilometer area are damaged, the eardrums of those within an 84-kilometer area are completely torn. It should be added that all the buildings within 146 kilometers will be demolished.
We see that the death toll from the wind after the impact may be close to 1.5 million. In addition, after a disaster of this magnitude, it can be felt from 312 km away and will kill more than 78,000 people. 7.5 magnitude earthquake. can also occur.
So what happens if a much smaller asteroid crashes?
They will be formed as a result of the fall of an asteroid with a diameter of 30 meters:
In our first experiment, we chose a slightly larger asteroid size. What if a slightly smaller asteroid hits Istanbul? Let’s choose an iron asteroid this time and its diameter 30 meters Let’s set it to. You might think this is a little bigger than the new long metrobuses arriving in Istanbul. Let’s set the speed of the asteroid to 20 kilometers and let it fall on the European Side this time.
As a result of such an event, we see that the asteroid exploded 7 kilometers above without falling to the ground. It is also reported that such an event occurs once in 394 years. From the fireball formed as a result of the fall of a 30-meter asteroid. 1,610,866 people he loses his life. Nearly 2.5 million people have third-degree burns, and just over 4 million people have second-degree burns. It is estimated that 109 people will die from the shock wave and houses in an area of 2.2 kilometers will collapse.
We tried out what some multiplication results might look like on this site that provides predictive results. You too can see the results by choosing the type (iron, stone, carbon, gold or comet) and size of the object that will hit our planet. To do this to the link here Just click.
NASA has already started taking steps to protect itself from a possible asteroid disaster.
The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has already started making moves to prevent such an event from happening in the future. DARTS A vehicle that was recently sent into space within the scope of the project called, crashed into an asteroid millions of kilometers away. This is our first step towards planetary defense systems that can prevent future disasters.
An Asteroid Deflected From Orbit For The First Time In History: We Won’t End Up Like Dinosaurs
According to experts, for an asteroid to completely destroy all life on Earth, 96 kilometers It should have a width of approx. In addition, it is reported that even an object 8 kilometers wide can cause great damage. Let’s add that the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaurs millions of years ago is estimated to be around 11-12 kilometers. According to the researchers, if such an event took place today, there would be dire consequences; But there could be survivors.
The user who created the site also has some other interesting projects
This isn’t the only interesting project Neal Agrawal has created. The developer, who has more than 36 thousand followers on Twitter, also includes different content that everyone can experience on its site called neal.fun, which also shows the results of the asteroid impact. These; such as projects that allow building the next generation of iPhones, showing the size of the universe, and showing what happened ten years ago today. It includes many different things.
You can reach more than 20 projects of the developer, who has done very successful work, via the link here.
A ‘Planet Killer’ Giant Asteroid Hiding In The Sun’s Glow Discovered: May Threaten Earth!
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