Significant Developments Expected in Altcoins Next Week: These Will Be Followed!

Cryptocurrency After a very volatile week in the market, users altcoin focused on their development.

Highlights of This Week

  • Ethereum There has been $500 million inflows into liquid staking derivatives (LSD) since the Shanghai Update. FXS 160 thousand frxETH led to 19% growth, surpassing deposits, followed by Rocket Pool and Lido.
  • Lens Protocol, announced Bonsai, the Optimistic L3 scaling solution for decentralized social media that significantly increases scalability and reduces costs.
  • Circle, Ethereum And on Avax Introducing the Inter-Chain Transfer Protocol of USDC increased its cross-chain liquidity.
  • For integrating Chainlink’s oracles for 1.2% of protocol fees GMX offer was accepted.
  • Curve, Launched Tricrypto Next-Generation, which offers ERC20 compatibility, lower transaction fees, and improved price oracles.
  • a basket of LSDs of yETH The YIP-72 proposal to launch was accepted with great support.
  • It is a modular cross-chain liquidity protocol. Catalyst announced.
  • LayerZero, By launching Essence, it reduced the operational time of validators to under an hour and allowed teams to scale validator sets.
  • Arbitrum The DAO distributed 113 million ARB tokens to over 100 projects, but TridentDAO soon sold all the tokens it received.
  • Uniswap GND, an Arbitrum-backed stablecoin protocol built on V3, was released and quickly raised $9M in TVL within two days.
  • It is a concentrated liquidity management protocol. gamma, exceeded the $110 million mark in total locked value (TVL).
  •, announced Operation Solo Staker, a program that provides 12 free staking machines to users worldwide who commit to running a node for three years.
  • aptos, introduced delegated staking to increase participation in the network.
  • A zkSync Era game ecosystem protocol Tevaera, launched its mainnet.
  • MEV is a protected cross-chain swap protocol. Cashmere Labs Started the testnet.
  • One Arbitrum 0xAcid, the LSD protocol, introduced the meme token LSDoge.
  • Trust Wallet After a browser extension fixed the wallet rendering vulnerability, it refunded $170,000 to affected users.
  • Synthetix, BTC And ETH It aims to reduce fees for open positions and increase the maximum leverage to 50x for open positions.
  • Optimism Collective proposed a $6 million budget to support innovation.
  • Lido, It demands 24.5 million DAI and 200,000 LDO for the development of V2.
  • Cryptex Finance, He proposed to promote liquidity with 37.5k ARB airdrop distribution.

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Next Week’s Major Altcoin Developments

  • Featuring significantly reduced network fees and zero-knowledge proofs KISS Bedrock Upgrade will be available soon.
  • from lido Full withdrawals are expected to go live in early May.
  • As recent test contract setups and increased GitHub activity show, of crvUSD expected to be released soon.
  • Blur Season 2 ends on May 1, and 300 million BLUR tokens are distributed to users.
  • Optimism Liquidity mining rewards have been discontinued and will resume on May 3.
  • of MKR credit product Spark Protocol expected to be released soon.
  • phantom It is preparing to move to multi-chain on Ethereum and Polygon on May 1.
  • bybit, It will require mandatory KYC for all services from May.
  • sui The mainnet goes live on May 3, and the first trading will take place on OKX.

*Not investment advice.


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