Significant AI Move from Binance: 5 AI Coins Moved!

Binance joined the companies that support and adopt artificial intelligence technology. The leading exchange introduced its new artificial intelligence-supported tool called “Binance Sensei” in a new announcement today.

Binance announces ChatGPT powered artificial intelligence technology

ChatGPT, one of the products of artificial intelligence company OpanAI, shook the tech world shortly after going public. Although the first reactions are against technology, it continues to be on the agenda with its usage areas and productivity. As we quoted as, thousands of technology experts, including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, called for the suspension of R&D studies.

In a recent development, Binance announced that it has integrated ChatGPT into its education platform Binance Academy. In a blog post dated April 24, the company introduced its new AI-powered tool called “Binance Sensei”.

What is Binance Sensei? What does it mean for crypto users?

Binance has deployed ChatGPT to answer users’ questions on its education platform, Binance Academy. The new tool uses machine learning to inform users about Web3 topics. By directing Sensei to a specific question or keyword, users can get an answer of approximately 150 words that the artificial intelligence summarizes for them.

Meanwhile, there has been some backlash on Twitter to the news about Binance Sensei. Users questioned whether a robot could be their teacher.

How did the AI ​​Coin market react to the Binance news?

Combining blockchain and artificial intelligence technology, altcoins became the permanent trend with the emergence of ChatGPT. Cryptos like FET, AGIX, INJ, and ROSE posted triple-digit gains. At the time of the new announcement of Binance Sensei, some AI Coins are showing double-digit earnings. Here is the list of the most rising projects in the last 24 hours:

  • (DDD): 26.54%
  • GNY (GNY): 8.56%
  • Cindicator (CND): 8.67%
  • Pawtocol (UPI): 5.86%
  • Ojamu (OJA): 5.15%

Meanwhile, some experts say artificial intelligence can be dangerous if misused. For example, an AI-based weapon system could target innocent civilians. In addition, the use of artificial intelligence leads to other problems such as unemployment, data privacy and security. However, AI technology, when managed properly, can increase productivity and make human life easier in many industries.

How are governments reacting to AI technology?

AI technology raises concerns if left unchecked as it is rapidly gaining acceptance. Italy began to take action by placing a brief ban on the use of technology. European Union regulators also plan to investigate BigTech companies’ AI algorithms.

Experts predict that as AI technology becomes more pervasive, regulatory pressure will soon increase. Authorities in China are also preparing to implement mandatory security reviews for all AI services in the country.

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