Sometimes, we realize that the food we reach for to fill our stomachs is moldy. At that moment, only one question comes to mind: Should we eat it or throw it away?
Do we encounter any health problems if we consume moldy foods? cut these parts and throw them away to consume or cook that food can we continue?
By answering all these questions, what we should do Let’s see.
In general, eating moldy foods is not recommended by experts.
Because what we see inside or on the surface of the bread or fruit much more than green and furry pieces Although we call the colored part that we can see with the naked eye mold, these are actually the spores, or reproductive cells, of the fungi that cause decay.
Apart from the colored parts, it is quite difficult to see the rest of the mold and its roots with the naked eye. It is almost impossible. These molds settle deep into our food.
For this reason, we only take the parts we can see on the surface of the food, won’t stop us from eating mold.
But at this point we can give you some good news.
Most fungi and other microorganisms that are the source of mold die at certain temperatures. For example, breads or cakes, When cooked at a temperature between 80-99 degreesthe fungi inside disappear.
Also, most toxins from molds only pose a risk if we consume them over a long period of time. So once we consume moldy food, This is why we don’t get sick.
Cheeses, on the other hand, stand out from other foods.
For example, moldy soft cheese contains high amounts of water. For this reason, this type of cheese the mold is more likely to grow deeper. However, hard cheese has a lower water content.
The dense structure of the cheese allows the mold to grow mostly on the surface rather than spreading invisibly into the cheese. will survive In this case, cutting a few centimeters around the mold and consuming it does not pose any risk.
As a result, we can throw away all that food without a second thought if it is moldy; meat and meat products, yoghurt, creamsoft cheese, bread and bakery products, jams, nuts and legumes.
However; carrots, bell peppers, cabbage Hard fruits and vegetables such as lentils, as well as hard cheese, can be saved from mold and continue to be consumed.
Other content that may interest you:
Green in Bread, Blue in Cheese: How Does Mold Come in So Many Different Colors?
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