Shock Development for Altcoin Prepared to Enter Binance List!

Crypto exchange Binance announced today that it will list Arkham (ARKM), the native token of Project Arkham. Before the joy of this good news was lost, the news that the crypto money analysis platform Arkham suffered a major data breach came.

Data breach shock in Arkham, which received the good news of Binance! As we reported, Arkham, which received Binance’s Launchpad good news, suffered a major data breach. According to the information obtained, the e-mail addresses of the people who shared the reference link for the platform were leaked. However, Arkham announced that he was aware of this situation.

Binance announced today the launch of Arkham (ARKM), the native token of Project Arkham. This is the 32nd project launched on Binance’s Launchpad. Also, the sale of ARKM tokens will follow the classic subscription format of the platform.

Starting from July 11, 2023, for seven days, users’ BNB balances will be registered to allocate tokens. Finally, using the calculation of the average daily BNB balance, the average amount of the six days will be counted. The calculation mechanism used to record the daily BNB balance has been changed recently. Also, it’s no longer a snapshot at a specific time.

In fact, the average daily BNB balance is calculated every day, including BNB held in regular Binance accounts, trading bot accounts, secondary accounts, Binance Crypto Loans Margins and other accounts. The average daily spot account balance is calculated by dividing the sum of the hourly snapshots of the spot account BNB balance on a given day by 24 (hours).

What does Project Arkham do?

Arkham uses artificial intelligence to anonymize the blockchain in an attempt to uncover the individuals and companies involved in crypto transactions. ARKM is a service token specific to the Arkham platform. It is also possible for owners to use it for governance. Arkham has two main components, an analytics platform and an Intel Exchange.

Its analytics platform provides data and analytics for individuals, companies and others through asset sheets that show current and past funds and transactions. It also has token pages that show major holders, major transactions, and stock market flows. Finally, it allows triggering instant alerts for transactions that match custom parameters. In contrast, Arkham Intel Exchange allows anyone to buy and sell information.

The project raised more than $10 million during two rounds of equity financing. Investors include Tim Draper, Bedrock Capital, Wintermute Trading, GSR Markets and co-founders Palantir and OpenAI. The total supply of ARKM tokens is 1,000,000. Also, at the time of listing on Binance, the circulating supply will be 150,000,000, or 15.00%. According to Arkham, the anonymization of fake Blockchain metadata will lead to unprecedented transparency in the crypto world. It will also push the industry towards mass adoption. Arkham’s Earn economy from Intel encourages large-scale information delivery. Moreover, it provides clarity and transparency by making it available to everyone.

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