Shiba Inu Leader Announces Partnership: Big Deal Coming!

Meme coin project Shiba Inu (SHIB) is taking firm steps forward not only in the virtual world but also in the real world. Shiba Inu leader Shytoshi Kusama announced in a recent blog post that he has partnered with an Italian fast food restaurant called Welly’s. For details keep reading.

Shiba Inu developer: This is just the beginning…

Shiba Inu developer Shytoshi Kusama opens up about what Welly’s partnership means for SHIB:

This partnerShib (partnership) solidifies SHIB’s first foray into IRL (real life) projects.

On this occasion, the developer of SHIB points out that this is the first of many ‘partnerships’ planned for 2022 to clarify the choice of Welly’s over a major food chain. When asked about the big deal promised to the SHIB community at the beginning of 2022, Shytoshi Kusama comments:

Of course it did! And there will be at least one more this month. As we deal with a few more IRL industries and change the world forever, I see this deal as an appetizer for our upcoming announcements.

shiba inu

SHIB previously briefed its community about a major development for its ecosystem. In late December, during an AMA session on Twitter, Queenie, the official Discord moderator, hinted at a big surprise in 2022, without revealing any further details.

Anticipation rises ahead of SHIB burning party

Steven Cooper, owner of the Bigger Entertainment crypto record label, which runs regular SHIB cremations, tweeted about the next cremation party on February 14:

12 days until the next cremation party. With gas prices so high, now is the time to take this approach and save on gas. 1 ticket = $5. You can buy as much as you want. Everything burned live on YouTube.

The money from ticket sales will be used to purchase Shiba Inu tokens, which will be burned on Valentine’s Day. It is stated that more than 119 million SHIBs have landed in the combustion pot so far. The SHIB community also awaits the chosen name for Metaverse, codenamed SHIberse, which was announced in late January.

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