SHIB Becomes Ascension King of Top 100!

The leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin is trying to hold above $61, while ETH is trying to turn $4,000 into solid support. But there are altcoins in the top 100 that are posting serious gains. In particular, the meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) is becoming the rising king of the top 100.

Meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) becomes the rising king of the top 100!

Major altcoins have partially lost value on the market. Bitcoin is trying to stabilize above $61. Likewise, ETH is struggling to hold above $4,000. However, among the top 100 cryptocurrencies, altcoins are not without strong gains. Surprisingly, a meme coin is becoming the rising king of the top 100. The Shiba Inu (SHIB) is up more than 35 percent at the time of writing. The thirteenth ranked meme coin has rallied 50% in the last 7 days.

Recently, the price of SHIB has been increasing unbelievably. It is stated that this is due to whales who quickly bought the meme coin. also As we previously reported, according to the latest tweet shared by the popular Shiba Inu Twitter account @ShibalnuNews, the Robinhood platform may be considering adding the “Dogecoin killer” to their trading list. Also, in recent days, major exchanges have added SHIB to their platforms. These developments stand out as the factors that triggered the price rise of SHIB.

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