Samsung Wallet Announced: Here Are Its Features

Samsung has announced its new application, Wallet, that will gather many services it has offered so far under one roof. Users will be able to track their crypto portfolios, store their keys, identities and credit card information, and even make payments from a single app with their Galaxy phones.

In this period when technology giants continue to turn into financial giants, Samsung has announced its new service, which will completely rival the Apple Wallet service. In its press release, the company announced that Galaxy device users digital key, ID and much more announced the Samsung Wallet that they can store.

The new Samsung Wallet service combines the company’s existing services, Samsung Pay and Samsung Pass. In this way, users can store their assets such as digital keys and IDs on a single application, as well as store their passwords in the same application, as well as with the credit and debit cards they add. able to make their payments. Samsung Wallet also included a surprise about crypto money.

Your crypto wallet will also be tracked from Wallet:

Samsung’s application that gathers many services under one roof, Samsung Blockchain will include its application. In this way, users will be able to follow their crypto money portfolios live with a single application.

Samsung’s identity management service, Samsung Pass, is now available with the new change digital key support for more vehicles will present. According to the shared bulletin, Samsung Pass support will also be available for Hyundai Palisade and ‘some’ BMW models released after July 2020.

The Wallet app will also bring support from nine different security companies to SmartThings. In addition, users can use the Wallet application for flight travel. boarding passes can also store. This feature will only be available for Korean Air at this time.

The Samsung Wallet service will be available on Galaxy phones starting today in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Of course, the operation of the above-mentioned features requires users to connected to his phone will be. For example, the use of digital keys for vehicles will require UWB short-distance support on phones. It has not yet been announced when the service will be released for other countries.

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