Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

The EU wants to coordinate the distribution of aid supplies for Ukraine via a new logistics center in Romania. This was announced by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday in Bucharest. Von der Leyen also emphatically praised the Romanians’ willingness to help the Ukrainian war refugees: “You are a shining example of European solidarity”.

Under the umbrella of the EU, aid supplies, including those from private donations, are to be collected in the logistics center and their shipment to Ukraine organized. Together with EU experts, this facility should be made operational in a few weeks, said Iohannis.

When the war began, Romanians rushed to the border in droves to receive the refugees with food, water, blankets and baby milk, von der Leyen said. “People are opening their homes to families,” said the head of the commission.

Romanian state bodies such as civil protection, police and border guards have also provided assistance. In addition, von der Leyen promised further money for humanitarian purposes, in addition to the previously announced aid of 500 million euros. At least a million people have already had to leave Ukraine because of the war.

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