Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has Ukraine extensive aid for reconstruction assured. “We not only have a moral responsibility, but also a strategic interest in taking a leading role in the reconstruction of Ukraine,” said von der Leyen in a video recording of the “Business Day” of the CDU Economic Council on Tuesday in Berlin. “We want a democratic and stable neighbor on our eastern flank who shares our values ​​- and not a failed state at the mercy of Putin’s tyranny.”

The European Commission has therefore proposed a platform for reconstruction together with Ukraine. The aim is to bring countries, institutions and the private sector together. “Our place is on the side of Ukraine,” said von der Leyen. “We want Ukraine to win this war.”

She further said that The EU will not allow violence as a political tool to re-establish itself on the continent and that one individual is destroying an order that has brought decades of stability and prosperity to the continent. Russian President Vladimir Putin is not only trying to destroy Ukraine with his war, he is also destroying his own country. It speaks for itself that the young Russian generation is leaving Russia in their tens of thousands.

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