Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has a warned of a new Russian blockade of grain shipments from Ukraine. Together with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and many others, they fought to ensure that grain exports were possible by rail, the Danube, “but definitely also by sea”, said Scholz on Saturday at a state party conference of the Bavarian SPD in Munich . “It’s good that we’ve managed to do that now. And this path must not be blocked again,” he added urgently. The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine has an impact on the whole world, “a major famine is possible”.

Russia is waging the war more and more brutally, destroying cities, villages, infrastructure and energy systems, Scholz criticized. People die every day, “we take note of that with bitterness and sadness”. That is why it is clear to the federal government: “We will continue with our support for Ukraine.” The country will continue to be supported financially, humanitarian and also with weapons to defend its independence. What Germany provides in terms of support for air defense, for example, works. In the east of Ukraine they are helping with artillery. Everything must be done to ensure “that the conditions are created, that it (the war) comes to an end and that Ukraine can defend its country”.

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