Rudolph Fentz, Who Was Said to Travel in Time for Years

The story of Rudolph Fentz was considered an unsolved mystery and a possible case of time travel for quite some years. Allegedly, what this man experienced was mind-blowing.

People; In newspapers, magazines and on television, people were made to believe that a man had traveled through time. Even this incredible event, “Is time travel possible?” It even brought the question to mind.

What about Rudolph Fentz? What kind of story did he have?

In 1950, a New York police officer working on missing persons cases examined the body of a man brought to the morgue.

This man, estimated to be around 30 years old, appeared in the middle of Times Square at 23:15. While he was looking left and right, a speeding taxi hit him and He died at the scene of the accident.

In the pockets of the corpse’s clothes were a large number of coins that had not been produced for many years. The old-fashioned clothes he was wearing had labels and the name of a tailor no one had ever heard of. Likewise his hat The label of a store that closed years ago was carrying.

Among his belongings is an invoice for the maintenance of a horse carriage that is no longer in New York. A letter from 1876 stating that his name was Rudolph Fentz. There was also a written card with an address on it.

This was all pretty weird.

rudolph fentz

In research on the subject, New York telephone directories No record of the name Rudolph Fentz was found. Additionally, the address on the card stated a house, but those in the area had never heard of the name Rudolph Fentz.

Interestingly, this person His fingerprint also did not match any records. Next, in an old phone book, Rudolph Fentz Jr., who died 5 years ago at the age of 60, was found. A record was found called .

This man’s wife was contacted and she said that her husband’s father, Rudolph Fentz, had gone missing in the 1870s. This person He went for a walk around 22:00 and he was 29 years old at the time.

When the missing persons file is examined, it is seen that their clothes and address date back to 1876.Rudolph Fentz, identical to the man who died in Times Square in 950 A report prepared under the name was found.

Thus, police officers were left in the middle of a puzzle.


So Rudolph Fentz disappeared in 1876, but It appeared to re-emerge in 1950. Fortunately, this person was a fictional character.

This mysterious story has been rewritten many times, taking many different forms. Finally, a researcher decided to look into the matter in depth and discovered that this phenomenon was, in fact, It is a science fiction story written by Jack Finney. discovered.

Name of the story “I’m Scared” and the author of the story, Jack Finney, died in 1995. For many years, magazines, newspapers and similar publications He presented this incident as if it were real And for these reasons, people thought all of this was real.

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