Robots are finding their way into commercial law firms

Laptop with artificial intelligence

Legal Tech is already changing legal advice. The areas of application of AI are diverse.

(Photo: picture alliance / Westend61)

Dusseldorf Analyzing vast amounts of data, drawing up contracts, comparing facts and writing briefs – tasks that are part of everyday business in commercial law firms. Such repetitive activities cost time and tie up many employees. But that is likely to change soon. Because the industry is facing an epochal upheaval. The reason: artificial intelligence (AI).

Legal Tech is already changing old structures. The areas of application of AI in the legal industry are diverse. AI-based solutions are used, among other things, in the processing of large amounts of data, automated document analysis or in the preparation of court proceedings. Standard contracts can be written by an AI.

Artificial intelligence is already being used regularly in the field of text search and evaluation. The combination of software and AI can automate certain processes in commercial law firms. Mass procedures can also be processed faster and usually better. The legal processing of the diesel scandal with hundreds of thousands of similar lawsuits is a prime example.

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