Robot In The Game Considered Real, Social Media Destroyed

The robot named Chole of the video game Detroit: Become Human was served as a real robot from a Twitter account with many followers. Users who think that this robot is real shared interesting posts.

Quantic Dream was launched in 2018. Detroit: Become Human With the game named, it provided us with a striking look at how the Android world can be involved in real life. period of publication the most popular The event in one of the games, Detroit: Become Human, was to determine how Android robots could “live” with humans through the decisions we made.

One of the robots in the game is “Chloe“. Chloe, who is only one in the game and we can’t manage, was helping us throughout the game. A Twitter account using this robot caused a strange misunderstanding on social media. Although we think that the account owner did this deliberately, Chole’ Fame “The world’s first Android-operated female robotservice as “, users can also interesting posts led to it.

Here are the interesting posts that users think Chloe is real.










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