Robert DuBoise, Unjustly Imprisoned for 37 Years

How would it feel to spend half your life in prison, only to be punished for a crime you didn’t commit? This is exactly what happened to Robert DuBoise, to whom life has never been fair.

From prison in his youth DuBoise released after 37 yearswas the perpetrator of a murder and rape.

Until the real criminals came together years later. Until found by DNA test

Robert DuBoise was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Barbara Grams at the age of 19.

An incident that took place in 1983 Robert, who was tried for rape and murderHe gained his freedom at the age of 59. It was understood that the former convict was innocent after DNA evidence was examined in 2020.

The year the incident occurred, A bite mark left on the victim’s chin related to the incidentHe was arrested on the grounds that it might belong to Robert. However, years later, it was determined that this bite mark did not belong to Roberta in her DNA.

A committee called the Innocence Project presented evidence to the court through DNA samples.

robert duboise

Thereupon, Robert DuBoise rightly investigated the case. He sued the city of Tampa and the forensic dentist. As a result of the lawsuit, which was settled on January 11, the Tampa City Council paid Robert $14 million in damages.

Council members are against this situation. while expressing his regrets They state that they hope this compensation will provide some relief. The tragic aspect of the matter is that the only compensation for such a mistake can be money.

“Money, cars, houses, none of that can bring back what I lost,” DuBoise said. says.

robert duboise

Saying that his dream has always been a wife and children, DuBoise answered the questions of Reddit users. When he regained his innocence after 37 years He states that the thing that surprised him the most was the smartphone.

At the city council meeting After DuBoise’s innocence was proven The following question in a council held made everyone think:

If you stay in prison for 14,600 days And how would you feel if you knew you were innocent every damn day?”

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