Ripple Oracle Names 2 Altcoins That Will “Rally”!

Twitter analyst Credible, also known as the Ripple prophet, talks about Ripple (XRP) and a DeFi altcoin project likely to rise, while waiting for the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin to stall. Analyst’s current posts compiled for our readers.

Analyst says Ripple price could reach $1 target

The crypto analyst, nicknamed Credible, said in his posts on February 11 that he expects XRP to jump to $ 1.00:

We have come to the point where I am most interested. It is possible to see a decrease from here, but as I mentioned in my last tweet, I believe that we will create a bottom / upper bottom in this. Then we can reach higher levels.

XRP is trading at $0.8427, up nearly 10% in the last 24 hours at the time of writing. Climbing Credible’s $1.00 target will mark more than 20% gain over the current XRP price.

HBAR prepares to rally as Bitcoin pulls back

Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR), the publicly available Blockchan technology for P2P payments, is a recent favorite from Credible. According to the analyst, HBAR could receive a strong upside reaction from the $0.22 support and reach the short term target of $0.26. Credible follows and interprets the following technical chart for this:

We have provided the weekly demand zone since my previous update and now we are witnessing a pullback. As stated earlier, we need to recapture this area to confirm a bottom. I would like to see us hold the $0.22-0.23 range before attempting to recapture the weekly supply.

When it comes to Bitcoin, Credible says the leading crypto still looks positive even if the price drops below $40,000:

We entered the $45,000-47,000 range, hit a local high and is now correcting as predicted. I’m not sure how far this bearish momentum will go for Bitcoin, but any level between $38,000 and $39,000 will suffice.

At the time of writing, Ripple (XRP) was the top performer among the top 100 cryptocurrencies, with the market overall holding steady over the past 24 hours, up 9.06%. In the same period, HBAR rose 1.90% and BTC 0.63%.

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