Rewe starts offensive in the delivery service

Delivery service from Rewe

The dealer also wants to start the delivery service in the Ruhr area in late summer.

(Photo: imago images/Michael Gstettenbauer)

Cologne In view of the increasingly tough competition from new delivery services, Rewe is going on the offensive in e-commerce. “We have made the decision to now also serve the Ruhr area with a regional delivery service,” says Rewe digital boss Christoph Eltze to the Handelsblatt. The retailer is thus closing its last major white spot in Germany when it comes to food deliveries.

The service is scheduled to start in late summer, probably in the Gelsenkirchen region. “We are now building a central delivery location for this region,” explains the Rewe board member. “Then we will consolidate operations and set up more delivery centers.” Corresponding job advertisements indicate that the new central warehouse will be in Bochum.

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