Revolutionary application that can translate texts has been released for iOS

ElevenLabs, which has recently developed tools that produce voices with natural intonations that are very close to the human voice, thanks to artificial intelligence technologies, once again surprised users. Announcing the new application they developed through their official social media account, Ammmaar Reshi, the CEO of the company, has already managed to attract the attention of iOS users with the video he published.

A revolution in voice acting for iOS users

Although various applications and tools that convert text to voice have been developed in the past, ElevenLabs’ new application differs from others with a few features.


According to the statement made by the company, the application can produce vocalizations with natural intonations that are very close to the human voice, thanks to artificial intelligence technologies. In this way, you can get a more fluid and realistic experience.

Strange request to Nvidia: “Make slower AI!”Strange request to Nvidia: “Make slower AI!”

Strange request to Nvidia: “Make slower AI!”

Famous IT companies knocked on Nvidia’s door with an interesting request. Companies want slower artificial intelligence models from Nvidia.

Although it currently only provides services in English, it is stated that the application will soon support more than 30 languages, including Turkish.

ElevenLabs Reader: AI AudioIt can work with many different texts, including not only news but also e-books, articles, blog posts and presentations. The special artificial intelligence developed for the application detects the type of text and creates an emotion and tone of voice according to the text it reads.

ElevenLabs’ advanced artificial intelligence technologies, realistic voice-over quality and ease of use are seen as the beginning of a new era in the voice-over field. Unlike previous voice-over applications, the application will be able to offer professional studio quality voice-overs when it completes its development.

Although the application is only available to iOS users for now, it is stated that Android users will also be able to experience it in the near future. You can click here to install the application. ElevenLabs Reader: We should point out that AI Audio can work on iOS 15 and above.

What do you think about this application? Don’t forget to share your opinions with us.

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