Retired With This Meme Coin!

A token holder who invested thousands of dollars in the popular meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) in February made a lot of money with the rise in SHIB and got the opportunity to stop working.

Meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) made this person rich!

A 35-year-old supermarket manager, identified only as Rob, has invested $8,000 in a Shiba Inu (SHIB) and purchased 800 billion tokens when the price was roughly 0.0000001, according to a report released on Thursday. As we have also reported, in May, the token price rose significantly, surpassing its all-time high of $0.0035. In this case, Rob exchanged some of his money to deposit $500,000 into his bank account.

The SHIB holder still has more than $1 million in crypto following the October price spike. The funds allowed her to quit her $68,000 annual job, care for her son at home, and participate in online discussions about SHIB-related projects. He plans to HODL the remaining tokens, that is, to keep them. “We strongly believe there is more to be accomplished with Shiba. I will never dispose of our entire portfolio,” he says.

The former warehouse manager is part of the next generation of crypto users who have reached millionaire or even billionaire status, as have many Bitcoin (BTC) HODLers following the 2017 bull run. At the time of writing, the SHIB is priced at $0.00005857. The meme coin has gained more than 5,799,999,900 percent since October 2020.

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