Reproduction of COVID-19 Virus Can Be Prevented with CBD

While testing on lung cells, UChicago researchers discovered that CBD also had an antiviral effect on COVID-19. Observing the same effect in all three variants of the virus, researchers continue their research for the required dose and treatment.

Before we move on to its effects on the COVID-19 virus, we must understand exactly what CBD is. from the cannabis plant Two basic substances called THC and CBD are obtained. Of these THC It is a psychoactive substance and is actually a it’s a drug. CBD on the contrary It is not a psychoactive substance and used for its medicinal properties. So it is not seen as a drug substance. Anxiety, epilepsy, blood pressure, Parkinson’s and more against many diseases It is seen as a useful food supplement.

While the effects of the COVID-19 virus continue to affect almost all over the world, UChicago researchers He discovered that CBD could block the effects of the virus. Researchers only high purity and high concentration He also emphasized that CBD prevents the effects of the virus.

CBD effects on COVID-19 found by chance

Researchers first identified the COVID-19 virus unexposed He worked on human lung cells. with a specific dose of non-toxic CBD they treated. Afterwards, you can use CBD for the COVID virus. in three variants Researchers who tried it found that it had the same effect and the ability of the virus to multiply. that you have blocked they detected. CBD did not prevent the virus from entering the cell, but early in the infection cycle it six hours after infecting the cell It was effective in inhibiting replication.

Underlining that only high-purity CBD can prevent the effects of the virus, the researchers also state that it has no effect on the virus when mixed with any substance. Especially in pregnant people It is also risky to use in people with heart and lung diseases. negative side effects They say it could be. The effects and required dosage of CBD on the virus continue to be investigated.


Scientifically Confirmed Effects of Cannabis on Our Body and Brain

In our country prescription sale legal CBD THC if mixtures with illegal is counted. It has also been announced that much more detailed research on the effects of CBD on COVID-19 will be conducted in the coming days.

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