Renault Will Work with a Chinese Partner for Electric Twingo

Renault will work with a Chinese partner for the affordable Twingo, which it could not develop with Volkswagen.

Renault It had recently parted ways with the German giant on the affordable electric Twingo project, which it had been trying to develop together with Volkswagen for a long time. Renault, which aims to challenge Chinese companies that produce affordable electric cars such as BYD, announced that they will work with a Chinese partner.

Renault’s electric car department ampere A press spokesperson speaking on behalf of “We moved quickly because we wanted to complete Twingo’s development in two years.” he said. In the statement of the press spokesperson, “The development of the vehicle will be completed with a Chinese engineering partner to reduce development time and costs. The project will be carried out by Ampere. The design and advanced engineering was done in France and Production will also be carried out in Europe as planned said.

The target is to go below 20 thousand euros

Renault’s aim to the electric car market To offer a more affordable model, the critical threshold here is shown as 20 thousand euros. It is stated that if the price drops below 20 thousand euros, electric cars can be preferred by a wider audience.

Renault announces the idea of ​​working with a Chinese partner Volkswagen He states that it was brought up before they parted ways. It was stated that European manufacturers, especially BYD, were left behind in the competition with Chinese manufacturers by releasing affordable models one after another in recent years. Electric Twingo This situation can be balanced with the arrival of models such as


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