Have you ever woken up on a rainy morning feeling gloomier than usual, or even a little sadder?
Many of us experience this situation and the rain brings sadness It has almost become a common experience.
So, what is the reason behind this mood change? According to scientific data We feel more unhappy in rainy weather. There are several different factors behind it.
Lack of sunlight and vitamin D
In rainy weather, when sunlight almost completely disappears, the sunlight gives to our body serotonin, the happiness hormone We remain incomplete.
Vitamin D, which we cannot get when there is no sunlight, is both physical and our mental health It negatively affects and causes depression.
The reliance of our internal clock on sunlight also changes the situation. Our sleep-wake cycle is disrupted. This is why we want to sleep when it rains. The change in sleep quality also affects our mood.
Especially in winter, this situation “seasonal affective disorder” It is also explained by a depressive mood called (Seasonal Affective Disorder – SAD).
Psychology of colors
It is also a known fact that colors affect our psychology. In rainy weather, where gray and pale tones dominate, our energy decreases. While vibrant and bright colors usually give energy, tones such as gray, blue and brown usually increases the feeling of melancholy.
Social interaction is decreasing.
Our desire to go out decreases in rainy weather. We say, “What am I going to do in this weather?” and we lock ourselves in the house. Adding to our already low mood, lack of social connection We add. Then comes the feeling of loneliness.
Sound and smell are our last reasons.
While some of us love the sound of rain and the smell of it in the air, this is not true for everyone. A constant patter, can be a source of uneasiness. We already know that noise increases stress levels, but we can also include rain.
In cases where the humidity in the air increases, headache and joint pain Physical discomforts such as may also occur. Here is another upsetting situation for you.
Since we will always make decisions because of this, we can live our day with awareness of all these. actions that will make it more enjoyable It is beneficial to turn to.
You can also check out these:
Is There Really a Connection Between Rain and Joint Pain in Bad Weather, or Is It an Urban Myth?
You May Experience a Small Enlightenment When You Learn What That Smell We Breathe After Rain Thinks It’s ‘Soil Smell’ Actually Belongs To
Why Do We Want to Lock Ourselves Up at Home and Sleep Like Babies When We Hear the Sound of Rain?
What is the reason for that ‘feeling of emptiness’ that comes when we are unhappy?
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