Q. Why Did the Union Produce Thousands of Ads for Non-Existent Products?

For a while in the Soviet Union, advertisements for products that were not produced and would never be produced appeared. Advertisements for thousands of ghost products were being shown. You ask why?

Between 1967 and 1991, the Soviet Union’s only advertising agency produced thousands of advertisements. The advertisements published were not produced by state-owned companies and have no intention of producing was promoting the products.

Hot air showers, double-layer toilet seats, shredded chicken… At least 6000 advertisements were made. What could be the purpose of such a thing? Let’s explain.

Actually, the reason is communism.

In a consumer-driven capitalist society, advertising is about getting people to buy your product rather than competitors’ products. Since there is no competition in the communist system The purpose of television commercials is to show a story of abundance to a population that is accustomed to experiencing scarcity.

This is why the Soviet Union advertised thousands of luxury products that did not exist. After all, even if the products were real In a country where famine is common It couldn’t be sold anyway. So no one cared whether the ads worked or not.

People felt good with these ads.


The quality of the ads didn’t matter either. Advertisements took the Soviet people away, even if only for a few minutes, from kilometer-long gas lines and empty supermarket shelves. Their world; Where the sun shines and there is beautiful music It was changing with the atmosphere.

Social Democratic Party member Hardi Volmer said the following about these advertisements: “In the Soviets, there was a fixed value for everything. Everything else was adjusted according to the numbers that were planned to be real. So every Soviet company 1% He had to spend it on advertising.”

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