Price warning from experts: New RAM buyers beware!

Based on the emerging reports, analysts RAM He says prices will go down. At this point, he recommends that those in need wait a few more months. In particular, researchers DRAMA and NAND He stated that there will be a significant decrease in memory types in the upcoming period.

The Register shared a note from Gartner. Here, after the current global chip shortage, prices have increased as hardware overflows into the market. 2022of in the second half He says he believes he will be pulled down.

Chip problem warning from Apple CEO!

Apple CEO Tim Cook warned of the shortage of chip supply, which is affecting the whole world. Cook said the problem could lower revenues.

Allegedly, chip and RAM prices decline in the future.

The resulting note 2021 He argues that overproduction due to the chip problem in the year will lead to an abundance in the future. He claims that the result of this will result in a price reduction. This means that chip fees have dropped significantly.

from experts-price-warning-new-ram-purchase-receivables-attention

Note to Gartner, PC and laptop seems to be encouraging manufacturers to manufacture memory to take advantage of the chip issue. At this point the company 2022 states that market conditions will be unusual for He also suggested that further price volatility and change could be looking forward.

The biggest impact of the pandemic on technology companies was the global chip crisis

The global chip issue has been identified by technology companies as the most significant impact of the pandemic. Many manufacturing plants were closed due to health protocols. Because people have to work or study remotely laptop and tablet The demand for chips in electronic devices such as

There isn’t much consensus on how to assess and improve the extent of the problem. Therefore, an effective timeline has not emerged. While some say the crisis will subside next year, some analysts 2023It suggests that it will continue until

You in the future RAM What do you think about the note stating that prices will decrease? Do not forget to share your ideas with us in the comments section!

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