Press and Publication Activities Circular Published

In the new issue of the Official Gazette, which was published on the night of January 28 to January 29, President Erdoğan issued a new circular under the title of ‘Printing and Publishing Activities’. In this circular, Erdoğan expressed his concern about the elements in the media that disrupt the family structure and stated that measures will be taken.

The President said that new measures will be taken for threatening elements in the media. According to what is said in the circular published in the Official Gazette on the night of January 28, all factors that may adversely affect the family, children and young people, by acting in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey. will be punished.

As you know, we have seen examples of these in the past months because RTÜK broadcasted the program called ‘Speakers’ broadcast on EXXEN, a paid platform, and ‘Mask: Kimsin Sen?’ broadcast on FOX TV at the beginning of the year. to programs namedbreaks the family structure was fined for the reason. Therefore, it is thought that such a circular will bring much more ‘bans’ and ‘penalties’. Let’s take a look at the details of the circular.

President Erdoğan: “It has become essential to take the necessary measures”

In this circular published in the Official Gazette, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan“In the era of digitalization, it has become essential to take the necessary measures to ensure that the opportunities offered by the mass media are utilized in the best way possible and to be protected from possible harmful effects” He’s using his expressions.

Article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey entitled ‘Protection of the Family and the Rights of the Child’defines the family as the foundation of Turkish society., well, in the circular stating that necessary measures will be taken What are the necessary measures?

  • Regarding the television programs broadcast on Turkish televisions in the form of adaptations of foreign content and which have elements contrary to the basic values ​​of the society, to mitigate its devastating effects on society. Necessary steps will be taken.
  • using symbols Productions targeting children and young people will be examined, and family-friendly productions will be encouraged.
  • eroding national and moral values The requirements of the Constitution will be fulfilled against activities aimed at shaking the family and social structure.
  • Media content that appeals to the general public will affect families, children and young people. prevention of adverse effects Necessary measures will be taken against the threatening productions of national and local media organs.


Censorship That Will Make Cult Movie Fight Club Give Up From China: The Ending Of The Movie Has Been Completely Changed

Censorship debates started on social media


nevsin mengu

What do you think about new media regulation? Thanks to these new resolutions Will serials containing mafia elements, violence against women and rape decrease? More censorship on the way? Is censorship a good thing or does it restrict freedom? Please do not forget to express your thoughts in the comments.

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