President Erdogan Announces Turkey’s Blockchain Project! –

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a statement about a Blockchain project. He announced new details about Turkey’s Blockchain-based e-Human project. Here are the details…

What is the Blockchain powered e-Human project?

The e-Human project will be based on Blockchain technology. The project will protect all services and data used by the system. According to the statements, the e-Human project refers to the services of the Presidency of Turkey regarding career, distance education and talent acquisition. It acts as a digital service point where it can share data about its vehicles for these areas.

Students, recent graduates and public employees will be able to look at job and internship opportunities in the public and private sectors. Public employees, on the other hand, will access certified trainings, career fairs held in Turkey, events and training content through the e-Human portal. The project aims to increase employment and support the development of citizens. As we have also reported, Turkey’s automobile company TOGG has formed a strategic partnership with Avalanche Blockchain developer Ava Labs to develop secure services with smart contracts. In general, the interest in cryptocurrencies and Blockchain in our country is quite large. But it is worth noting that crypto payments were banned in April 2021.

Turkey and cryptocurrency interest

President Erdoğan stated that there is a struggle against cryptocurrencies. However, the situation is not the same for Blockchain. He continued to explore the ecosystem while building various projects. Turkey even announced its National Blockchain Infrastructure plans. As it is known, our country hosts various global events such as Istanbul Blockchain Week and Blockchain Economy Istanbul. The local developer ecosystem is also working hard to bring the next DevCon to Istanbul, an important event for the Ethereum developer community.

In addition, Chainalysis data showed that Turkey is one of the fastest growing crypto markets. Chainalysis’s 2022 Global Cryptocurrency Adoption Index put Turkey among the top 20 countries in terms of crypto adoption. According to data from Chainalysis, the use of crypto for savings protection and remittances is particularly dominant, especially in countries like Turkey and Egypt. Also, according to the report, Turkey was the largest cryptocurrency market between July 2021 and June 2022. Chainlink mentions a total of $192 billion in cryptocurrency volume in the country.

What makes blockchain special?

Basically, Blockchain is a digital record of transactions backed by cryptography. Each block of information is added to the “chain” (a general ledger). It is then authenticated through a decentralized, peer-to-peer network. The chain goes in a specific order where each block carries a unique hash, making the database tamper-proof and immutable.

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