Popular Bitcoin Exchange Lists 4 Altcoins!

Kucoin, the cryptocurrency trading platform founded by two tech enthusiasts who adopted the early blockchain, announced on November 11 that it will list 4 new altcoin projects. Altcoins to be listed; Torum (XTM), Morpheus.Network (MNW), Automata Network (ATA), and Frax Share (FXS). we too cryptocoin.com We took a look at the altcoin projects that will be listed as

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Torum (XTM) is a revolutionary SocialFi ecosystem (Social + NFT + DeFi + Metaverse) designed to connect cryptocurrency users worldwide.

Morpheus.Network (MNW) aims to optimize supply chains for companies, businesses and governments. This is accomplished with SaaS middleware platforms that seamlessly integrate legacy and emerging technologies, while also providing supply chain managers with a Digital Footprint, providing shipping and product visibility to automate safe and secure supply chains, saving time and money.

Automata Network (ATA) is a high-performance computing protocol that powers Web 3.0 applications and businesses with privacy first, high assurance, and seamless transactions. Its mission is to provide the functionality and infrastructure necessary to realize the vision of a seamless Web 3.0 experience. It addresses the lack of transparency in data ownership, censorship and privacy intrusion.

Frax Share (FXS), the first fractional-algorithmic stablecoin system. Frax is open source, permissionless and completely on-chain. The ultimate goal of the Frax protocol is to provide a highly scalable, decentralized, algorithmic currency rather than fixed-source digital assets like BTC.

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