Popular Analyst Awaits Rally For These Gaming Coins!

Popular crypto analyst Lark Davis shares the gaming coins he sees pumping potential in 2022. we too cryptocoin.com We have compiled the analyst’s posts for our readers.

Gaming coins that Lark Davis sees as rally potential

Monkey League (MBS)

Monkey League was previously known as MonkeyBall. Monkey League is an exciting, turn-based, play-to-earn soccer game that’s easy to learn, hard to master. It combines high production value, multiplayer gaming, Solana Blockchain, NFTs and decentralized finance (DeFi) to deliver it. The analyst points out that the market value is very low and states that it has great potential.

Wonder Hero (WND)

The second in the ranking of gaming coins is Wonder Hero. Altcoin is a Mobile RPG play-to-earn game where players can earn rare NFTs and sell them in a peer-to-peer market. The team believes in creating a balanced universe where players of different levels can provide income opportunities to each other while having fun at the same time.

The analyst says that Wonder Hero was released a week or two ago, and this is a very notable aspect of Wonder Hero from an investment point of view. According to the analyst, they have to bring in more users and learn more because they are in a wild market. The analyst predicts that the price of WND tokens will increase if they manage to bring more players to the game.

Decimated (DIO)

Decimated is a futuristic sci-fi shooter style game that pits humans against cyborgs. The analyst thinks that the token was launched at an inopportune time given that the market is in a major downtrend. According to the analyst, DIO has seen a pretty big drop in price, but that doesn’t mean the game has stopped being developed.

Guild Coins

Last on the list of gaming coins, Guild Coins is a very interesting niche in the gaming world. Guild Coins connect players to in-game assets. Many of these Guild Coins also offer massive betting rewards and liquidity providing rewards for their cryptocurrencies. The analyst states that many of them are top supporters in the industry like Coinbase and all these guys are investing in a wide variety of these different Guild Coins. According to the analyst, it is cheap and has a very low market cap, which offers an opportunity to do some research on Guild Coins to make a profit in the near future.

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