Poppy CT in Lol, All Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses

Yordle’s hero Poppy, holding a hammer, is one of the characters in the League of Legends universe who is small in stature but has a big heart. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Poppy’s CTs, her abilities, and her strengths and weaknesses.

Poppy is one of the characters who have changed and shined again in the League of Legends universe. Completely changed in terms of both ability use and visual poppyhas become quite fun and powerful after its change.

Adopting to be the team’s tank in the top lane and jungler role, Poppy literally hits the wall, especially the characters who pride themselves on their mobility. When played correctly, its crowd control can be the type where you let go of your keyboard and mouse and watch the screen. And to explain exactly what’s what, Poppy’s their CTs, their abilities, strong and weak Let’s examine its features.

Poppy CTs: Characters who are strong against Poppy

  • Rek’Sai
  • volibear
  • nocturne
  • Cho’Gath
  • Dr. mundo

Poppy is a combo based character. It’s not possible to get anything by randomly using your abilities.. But doing this is not as easy as it sounds. Especially the characters who cannot easily apply crowd control in the upper lane can be tiring in the lane phase. In addition, characters who are strong in the early stages or who can play outside of the mobility feature that Poppy can prevent can be a difficult match for Poppy.

All of the Hammer Guardian Poppy’s abilities:

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  • Passive / Iron Ambassador: Poppy throws the shield that bounces off the target. Poppy can gain temporary protection by picking up her shield from the ground.
  • Q / Shaking Hammer: Poppy swings her hammer, dealing damage and slowing enemies, creating an area that explodes after a short time.
  • W/ Solid Stance: Poppy passively gains armor and magic resist. These bonuses increase when the champion’s health is reduced. When Poppy activates Solid Stance, she gains movement speed and blocks nearby enemies’ dash moves. Enemies blocked from dashing are slowed and stuck to the ground.
  • E / Hero Charge: Poppy drags the target on which she is thrown. If the target hits a wall, they are stunned.
  • R / Guardian’s Verdict: Poppy concentrates for a hammer blow that knocks enemies far away.

Small in stature but big in heart, Poppy’s strengths and weaknesses are:

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Poppy’s strengths:

  • strong crowd control alone
  • It can directly inhibit the mobility abilities in the style of throwing.
  • Ability to deal damage with defensive items, even if it’s a tank character

Poppy is a pretty strong character. Especially crowd control that can be caused by itself, truly terrifying. In addition, the ability of many characters with dash-style mobility, with the W ability. can directly prevent It makes the character even more dangerous. Even if Poppy is a tank character, she can do quite reasonable damage with defensive items. Although the character is not very obvious at the early level, it can become quite strong in the middle stages of the game.

Poppy’s weaknesses:

  • Don’t have many options when you need to escape
  • He’s very prone to ranged harass as his abilities are heavily based on fighting against melee characters
  • W can’t use his W against any character, so his function is advantageous in specific scenarios

Because Poppy is a tank character at its core, when she wants to escape, Doesn’t have many options other than running.. Besides, since his abilities are mainly designed to fight melee characters, ranged harass is one of their biggest weaknesses is happening. Simply put, his W ability is completely useless.

How to play Poppy in LoL?

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  • Wall edges are your best friend. If you can knock your enemy anywhere with your E, you will definitely be on the advantageous side.
  • Always use your W ability when playing against characters with dash-style abilities. The opponent will avoid dashing while in combat because W has a long duration of time.
  • It is very important to chain your abilities well with each other. Avoid playing randomly

Crowd Control Poppy one of his greatest weapons. We said that walls are your friend. Knocking your opponent with your E can drastically change the tide of battle. In order for Poppy to be strong, it is necessary to use her abilities well with each other. After hitting your opponent against the wall, instead of holding down your ultimate, you can crowd control for a while by simply pressing and releasing your ult to continue crowd control. In addition, in such cases It’s good to keep the W ability active. that the opponent panic and throwing etc. prevent this from happening if he tries to escape with abilities.

How to play against Poppy, how to beat Poppy?

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  • Poppy is pretty strong at the edge of the walls. That’s why he can hit you with his E ability, etc. avoid playing near things
  • Poppy’s W ability to dash etc. Save your dash abilities if you see a yellow ring around Poppy during battle, as she can block abilities and stun you
  • Poppy isn’t very adept at dodging and is quite open to harass from ranged characters. Use this in-game against Poppy

wall etc. playing around the edges of objects, Pretty dangerous in the face of Poppy. If he manages to hit you with his E ability, you will start the battle with a 1-0 defeat. Also, when playing Fiora or Irelia-style characters, be careful not to let your dash abilities hit Poppy’s W. Save your dashing abilities as long as Poppy has a yellow ring around it. Poppy doesn’t have many options for escaping the battle. In addition, ranged haras is one of the weak points of the character. That’s why you can use your range as a weapon against Poppy.

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