Police Searching for Stolen Bicycle Found Stolen Artworks

Police investigating a stolen bicycle in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, discovered stolen works of art.

Bicycles and electric bicycles are among the most preferred means of transportation in Copenhagen. Naturally, theft cases in the city generally occur in the form of theft of these vehicles. That’s why electric bike and scooter owners “in the city The crime they fear most They use GPS systems so that their vehicles can be found after the theft of bicycles and scooters.

Police officers trying to shed light on such a case, your electric bike He started to track him down. At the end of this search, the police found the stolen works of art along with the bicycle. In a statement, the police spokesman “What we found at that address was more than just a stolen bike.” said.

The works were stolen on March 31

Police, who searched an address in the south of Copenhagen, announced that they seized a number of works of art that were reported to have been stolen from a gallery on March 31, in addition to eleven scooters and electric bicycles that were believed to be stolen. Investigators arriving at the scene, Two suspects aged 32 and 40 He was arrested for aggravated theft. The police launched an investigation to find out how these people obtained 14 works of art.

According to police statistics, in Copenhagen in 2023 more than 17 thousand The bike was stolen. For police units, the use of GPS systems against such thefts provides a great advantage in solving cases.


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