Play Store reduces commission rates

In recent years, app stores’ commissions have ceased to be solely the focus of developers. Because in the last five yearsto paid subscriptions interest has grown tremendously. The prices of these paid subscriptions, which are a must for an active digital media consumer, can be at a reactionary level due to commissions. The decision of the Play Store, the developers about the price Considerably it will relax.

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Play Store starts charging less commissions from developers

As long as there were commissions in app stores, it became harder for consumers to buy memberships cheaply. Companies like Epic Games that wanted to evade these commissions even faced their games being banned from the store. These annoying fees, with the new year from 30 percent to 15 percent. Thus, developers will be able to earn more income from subscription fees.

Play Store commission rates
Play Store commission rates

This commission decision As of January 1, 2022 will be valid. Even if we don’t see any reductions in subscription fees in 2022, developers can now offer us more opportunities. Google’s developer partners about this decision positive feedback and the following statements were also made by the partners:

Our partnership with Google has been a strong partnership for our business and has helped us scale, ultimately playing a key role in furthering our mission to empower women globally. The pricing change they announced will allow us to better invest in our products and further empower users to connect with confidence online.

Whitney Wolfe Herd, Founder and CEO of Bumble Inc.

Just as every person learns in different ways, every developer is different. We’re excited to see that Google continues to collaborate with the ecosystem to find models that work for both the developer and the platform. This reduction in subscription fees will help accelerate our Duolingo mission of universally available language learning.

Luis von Ahn is the co-founder and CEO of Duolingo.

In any case, the reduced commission rate will somehow benefit consumers as well. We can only see the change in subscription services such as Netflix, Spotify and Duolingo next year. However, it is not entirely clear whether the prices will be reflected on the consumer or not. it’s up to the developers A situation. In other words, it may not be very likely that we will see a decrease in subscription fees.

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