Personal information may be removed from Google search results – SDN

Google has recently started to make a name for itself with its innovations on privacy. Finally, the company, which shared its work in 2021, also launched the Data Security feature. Google announced in a blog post today that it will accept requests to remove Search results that contain personal information. Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

Google announced the number of harmful applications in the Play Store!

Technology giant Google has announced the number of harmful applications in the Play Store! He also talked about a lot of work he did last year.

Google has expanded the policy to remove personal information!

Technology giant Google has been accepting requests from its users to remove personal information from search results for a long time. The company will now accept applications to have contact information removed, such as phone numbers, email addresses, and home addresses.

It will also remove Google login credentials, if any. However, these removals will only apply to Google Search. So to remove any content you will have to contact the required website.

Google also made the following statement about its new application:

“Maximizing access to information while keeping people in control of their sensitive, personally identifiable information is a critical balance to strike. We believe these updates are an important step towards achieving this goal and giving people the tools they need to protect their online safety and privacy.”

Google will continue to review to ensure the accuracy of removal requests. In other words, it will not remove any publicly known personal information of public figures. The firm had previously limited the removal requests it accepted to bank and credit card information only due to fraud issues.

Since last year, the company has been accepting removal requests for the image search portion of the photos of Google users under the age of 18.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? You can express your thoughts in the Comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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