PCR Test Requirement Removed for Those Who Have Not Vaccinated COVID-19

In a statement published by the Ministry of Health, it has been announced that the PCR test requirement has been lifted for individuals who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and have not survived COVID-19 in the last 180 days. According to the new decision, unvaccinated individuals will now be able to enter and travel to public areas without PCR testing.

This morning, we shared with you the updated COVID-19 quarantine and isolation guide shared by the Ministry of Health and the new quarantine decisions for contacts. According to the new decisions, people who have received the reminder dose and have had COVID-19 in the last 3 months should not be quarantined, and close contacts who have not received the vaccine and reminder dose and have not had COVID-19 in the last 3 months. 1 week to quarantine; People with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 1 week It was decided to quarantine.

After this, the Ministry of Health, the unvaccinated and individuals who have not completed the vaccination process. being in public places and travelingHe also changed his circular on the subject. In the light of the new recommendation decision of the Coronavirus Science Board, the circular was repealed and a letter was sent to the governorship of 81 provinces regarding the new decision.

PCR testing is no longer required for people who are not vaccinated and whose vaccination process has not been completed in travel, public events, public and private workplaces, and schools.

After that, in the new letter sent by the Ministry, those who have not been vaccinated or who have not completed the vaccination process not have the disease within 180 days from persons;

  • Before intercity travels by plane, bus, train or other public transportation vehicles,
  • Before attending events such as concerts, cinema and theater,
  • To the personnel working in the schools of the Ministry of National Education (teachers, bus drivers, cleaning personnel, etc.),
  • Employees in all public and private workplaces,
  • Persons who will participate in student camps organized by public and private institutions No need for screening with PCR testingreported to be evaluated.

In the continuation of the statement “In this framework, in line with the letter of interest (ç) of the Ministry of Health, regarding all the provisions of our Circular of interest (a) and (b) (c) Article 3 of our Circular to be removed from the application decided. In line with the principles stated above, in accordance with Articles 27 and 72 of the General Sanitary Law, we kindly request and kindly submit to you that the decisions of the Provincial/District Public Health Boards are taken promptly, that no disruptions are caused in practice and that no grievances are caused.” statements were included.

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