PayPal Plans To Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency

US-based PayPal, which offers online payment services, continues its cryptocurrency moves. According to reports, the company may now be planning to launch a dollar-indexed stablecoin.

It would not be wrong to say that the last few years have been active in cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Many companies led by game companies, cryptocurrency NFT and blockchain It is trying to make investments for the future by rapidly increasing its investments in the field. Many online payment services companies are also among the companies that invest in this issue.

Square, the digital payments company of Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, has also renamed the company to focus on cryptocurrencies and blockchain.block‘ was changed. Now, another online payment service company, from PayPal A new cryptocurrency step has arrived. According to reports, PayPal, which has launched crypto trading in the UK in the past months, plans to launch its own cryptocurrency.

‘PayPal Coin’

According to Bloomberg’s report, PayPal is a US dollar-backed stablecoin plans to take it out. In the statement given by the company, it was stated that PayPal is conducting research to launch its own stablecoin backed by a currency. Software developer Steve Moser, who writes for MacRumours, also said that the name of the crypto money the company is working on, in his reviews.PayPal CoinHe said it was planned to happen.


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Additionally, Moser is available on PayPal’s iOS app, which now allows trading Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC). neo (NEO) He stated that he discovered references to a crypto currency named . There are not many details about the level of the company’s own cryptocurrency, which does not make detailed statements about its plans. However, it would not be wrong to guess that this new move of PayPal, which is stated to be satisfied with its moves regarding cryptocurrencies, may come soon.

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