Park Your Money in Gold and These!

Expert forecasts for a US stock market correction are common these days. But due to high inflation rates, Robert Kiyosaki predicts that something much worse will happen. As you can follow in his news, last week, “Inflation robs the poor. Inflation makes the rich even richer. Get ready: A major crash, then another depression,” tweeted Robert Kiyosaki, this isn’t the first time the alarm has sounded. In fact, the famous author reiterates his belief that there are currently only three “smart” investments to buy: gold, silver and Bitcoin.

Robert Kiyosaki relies on Bitcoin, gold and silver to ward off collapse

Let’s take a quick look at this safe haven trio. They may be worth buying with some of your remaining pennies. “I love Bitcoin because I don’t trust the Fed, Treasury or Wall Street,” Robert Kiyosaki tweeted last month.

Many people refer to crypto as the new gold. But even though Robert Kiyosaki highly recommends Bitcoin, he still loves the good old yellow metal as a hedge against an impending drop. Gold is a classic safe-haven asset. Investors have relied on it to help protect their wealth for centuries. In times of crisis, demand for the precious metal often increases.

Silver can live in the shadow of both gold and Bitcoin, but Robert Kiyosaki says this should not be ignored. In fact, the famous author tweeted in August that gray metal is “the best, lowest-risk, high-potential investment.” Currently, silver prices are about 50% below their all-time high.

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