Oscar-winning director made a movie with iPhone!

Director of movies like Jurassic Park, Jaws, and Indiana Jones Steven Spielbergmade a short film using iPhone. The clip prepared for the new song of American singer Marcus Mumford, Cannibal, was released as a black and white video.

Steven Spielberg’s music video shot with iPhone

The fact that smartphones, especially the iPhone, have become competitive with professional cameras over the years has directed users to their hobbies. In recent years, we have witnessed many people shoot short films with iPhone. The last example of this is twice Best Director Oscar It came from Steven Spielberg.


Marcus Mumford Steven Spielberg shot the last clip of a singer named. The clip, which is stated to have been recorded with an iPhone, was prepared in a high school gym. Filming was kept so simple that Spielberg only needed a swivel chair and his wife’s help.

Suspicious claim about the iPhone 14 camera!

Suspicious claim about the iPhone 14 camera!

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, known for his information about Apple, made a confusing statement about the iPhone 14 camera.

The video, which was shared in black and white, was made with a single shot, but llib Which iPhone was it taken with? we don’t know. The video recorded in the high school gym once again proved Spielberg’s direction.

Marcus Mumford, new song cannibal for from twitter “On Sunday, July 3, at a high school gym in New York, Steven Spielberg directed my first music video from his phone in a single take.”

While this is the first time an Oscar-winning director has been filming with an iPhone, there have been other examples that have stood out before. in 2020 Lady Gaga’s Stupid Love The clip prepared for the video was shot entirely with the iPhone 11 Pro.

So what do you think about the movie shot with iPhone? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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