Only Six Out Of Every 1000 People Could Buy a ‘Zero’ Car

Journalist Emre Özpeynirci shed light on Turkey’s automobile market in 2022. But there was not a very good result in the place where the light was kept.

While vehicle prices continue to rise day by day, many of us have already said goodbye to the dream of owning a car. Today It has become impossible to find a brand new car under 300 thousand TL.Today, striking data about how this situation is reflected came.

Journalist Emre Özpeynirci, in his column he shared today, is on Turkey’s automobile sales. How far behind European countries showed. Turkey ranked second from the last in the list among European countries.

Bulgaria is the country with the fewest cars per capita in Europe.

According to the shared data, in the January – November period of 2022 only 6 out of every 1000 people could afford a new car. With this number, Turkey ranked second from the last among European countries. The country at the end of the list was Bulgaria with 3.8.

The reason why Bulgaria took the last place in the list was the importation of second-hand cars. The country at the top of the list is with 62.3. Luxembourg was.

Özpeynirci also rebelled against the high tax bracket:

Emre Özpeyirci

“Now let’s get to our main topic. As you know, the base update did not cover many models that fell into the 45-50% segment before August last year, and these models are currently sold at 80% SCT.

Isn’t it interesting that, while at every opportunity, measures such as blaming dealers and galleries for opportunism and even imposing fines for “he has a vehicle in stock” are mentioned, the Ministry of Finance does not speak out about the fact that almost all of the vehicles are sold in the 80% slice by saying “There are no vehicles anyway”?


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