Omicron infections in Great Britain are skyrocketing – vaccinations with corona children’s vaccine start

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach starts in the fight against the corona pandemic Booster vaccinations and mandatory vaccination. According to the current state of knowledge, three vaccinations are required to protect against the Omikron variant, said the SPD politician on Sunday in the ARD. With the introduction of compulsory vaccinations, it should be achieved that this succeeds to a sufficient extent.

The minister admitted that there would still be many infections if the mandatory vaccinations were enforced. “I can’t prevent that because the vaccine isn’t strong enough.” Nevertheless, it is necessary to have a vaccination in order to minimize the number of fatal courses of infection. He is sure that many other countries are also considering such a commitment.

The strategy must now be give as many booster vaccinations as possible. It was “incredibly valuable” because it would end the delta wave and avert the omicron wave, said Lauterbach. “That will be the focus for me to push this wave down.” He reckons that special anti-omicron vaccines will be available from April or May.

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