Omicron infection should be equated with boosters

Even two years after the outbreak of the pandemic, hairdressers fear for their existence given the ongoing corona restrictions. “We still have between 20 and 40 percent less sales,” said the President of the Central Association of the German Hairdressing Trade, Manuela Härtelt-Dören, the German Press Agency. Due to the requirement to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters, the salons could not be used to 100 percent. Since these regulations are uniform throughout Germany, there are no major regional differences. “Our trade has been hit hard,” said Härtelt-Dören.

After the first lockdown in spring 2020, the industry ramped up hygienic protective measures. “It has continued to this day,” said Härtelt-Dören, who runs a business in Göttingen herself.

The labor market has remained stable. “Everything was tried to keep the employees even during the pandemic.” However, a general shortage of workers already existed before the outbreak of the pandemic, said the entrepreneur. There are problems with the offspring. “Last year there were 10 to 20 percent fewer trainees in the first year,” said the association’s general manager, Jörg Müller. According to the association, there are around 80,000 salons with 240,000 employees in Germany. The number remained constant during the crisis. Insolvencies are only expected in the years that follow the pandemic, said Müller.

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