OKX Announces Current Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Reserves!

Popular cryptocurrency exchange OKX has published its 19th proof of reserves report.

Via OKX official website May 29 In the proof of reserve report published on , the total holdings including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Tether (USDT) held on its balance sheet 22 assets touched upon the guarantee rates.

While the stock exchange continued to maintain its overcollateralization status in the 19th reserve proof period, the increases in collateral compared to the previous period were noticeable.

Bitcoin assets of users on the exchange in the past 1 month 2.62% increase to 147 thousand BTC rose. During the same period, Ethereum assets 39 thousand ETH with increase to 1.67 million ETH reached. Users’ USDT holdings on OKX are 6.51 billion, up 4.26% happened.

OKX offers proof of reserve in 22 cryptocurrencies More than 100% guaranteed put it on record. Collateral rate for Bitcoin 104%for Ethereum 103% and for USDT 102% It was recorded as.

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