Office Opportunity in Metaverse from Web3 Supported Business Platform DeeLance

According to researches, approximately 38 percent of the global workforce is made up of freelancers. This rate, which has increased with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has closed the world at home, supports the rapid rise of career platforms where freelancers meet with employers. For example, the value of Fiverr, which is known as a popular freelance business platform, is seen to increase from 0.75 billion dollars in 2019 to 1.34 billion dollars in 2023.

On the other hand, existing freelance job platforms, including Fiverr, cause a number of problems for both employers and freelancers. Due to many problems, including high costs, intellectual property problems and late payments, alternatives to these platforms are sought.

DeeLance, a crypto project that we come across at this point, is preparing to radically change the recruitment industry. The increase in the number of investors considering purchasing DeeLance tokens and the pace of the pre-sale show that the project offers an important solution.

So what exactly does the DeeLance business platform promise and what problems does it focus on solving?

Freelance Business Platform What is DeeLance?

DeeLance aims to solve the problems experienced in traditional business platforms with Web3 technologies and improve the industry for both parties.

The project, whose pre-sale event, which offers the opportunity to purchase DeeLance tokens at discounted prices, continues with great momentum, aims to create a transparent, autonomous and blockchain technology-based career platform to help employers and remote workers fulfill their responsibilities more efficiently.

Among the biggest problems experienced in traditional freelance job platforms, copyright issues are shown as the first. However, jobs on the DeeLance platform are protected by NFT tokenization.

Employees who deliver the project have the intellectual property rights of the works until they receive the payment from the other party. The employer buys this right after paying, so that both parties are protected and copyright infringement is prevented.

In addition, both employees and employers can receive and provide services securely through the identity verification feature.

The Metaverse ecosystem is among the reasons investors rush to buy DeeLance tokens.

The project team plans to create the first Metaverse ecosystem experience designed for recruiting and freelancing.

With its unique concept, the DeeLance Metaverse is intended for employers to freely interact with job seekers.

It is even planned to set up a virtual office in the DeeLance Metaverse ecosystem, which will allow employers to hold meetings and job interviews, and to sell virtual advertisements to strengthen the recruitment processes.

Users can experience many new experiences such as buying land and owning an office in the Metaverse ecosystem. Investors can also rent their virtual offices to other users.

By removing geographic barriers, DeeLance Metaverse aims to facilitate global collaboration and make it a powerful tool for the future of remote working and global commerce.

It is stated that freelancers looking for a job can advertise their services in the Metaverse universe more effectively and freely establish their own customer network.

With all these features, the DeeLance project is estimated to radically change the $761 billion global human resources and recruitment industries.

DeeLance, which is preparing to redefine the recruitment processes of companies and the working conditions of freelancers with an innovative perspective, aims to solve the productivity and transparency problems in the sector.

DLANCE Token Pre-Sale Continues

DLANCE token, which plays a very important role in the DeeLance ecosystem, which is positioned as a Web3-based decentralized recruitment platform, is used in every aspect of the platform from the NFT market place to the Metaverse universe and is at the center of the project.

DeeLance token has a total supply of 1 billion tokens, and according to the technical analysis document shared with the public, 300 million tokens, corresponding to 30 percent of this amount, meet DeeLance investors at discounted prices with the pre-sale event.

It is seen that close to 1.5 million dollars of funds have been collected so far in the pre-sale event, which progresses gradually and the DLANCE token price is increased at each stage. This amount means that the names in the career field have a positive opinion about the project and crypto enthusiasts believe in the potential of the project.

DLANCE coin, the native token of the DeeLance project, which plans to bring together freelancers and recruiters by taking advantage of the power of blockchain technology with its decentralized approach, seems to be preferred by both crypto enthusiasts and investors who can foresee the future of career platforms.

Investors can purchase DLANCE tokens via the pre-sale event page using Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), or credit card.

On the pre-sale page, the time remaining until the next price increase can be followed, thus providing the opportunity to become an early-term investor at discounted prices.

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