Ochsenknecht offspring: Now Jimi Blue breaks his silence *** BILDplus content *** – people

Yeliz threatened after separation “I’ll tell everything”

Now Jimi Blue breaks his silence

Photo: instagram / _yelizkoc_, picture alliance / dpa

This love ended in great chaos.

With Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht (29) and Yeliz Koc (27), love went pretty quickly. In summer 2020 both officially appeared as a couple in public for the first time, then in February the surprising news: Yeliz is pregnant!

Everything seemed perfect. But then at the beginning of September the official separation – Jimi Blue made it public on Instagram. Which Yeliz didn’t like at all. A quarrel broke out between Yeliz and the Ochsenknecht family. Yeliz announced: “I will tell everything and you will find out everything.”

For Yeliz, one thing in particular seems to have not yet been clarified: the birth of their daughter. On Instagram, she was now discussing with her community who she should allow into the delivery room during childbirth: her mother or Jimi.

Thereupon Jimi Blue speaks up to BILD. Above all, he wants to make one thing clear. Read with BILDplus what he says about the chaotic love-out with Yeliz and whether he will be there when his daughter is born.
