November Important! SHIB, DOGE and Bitcoin…

Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Mike McGlone has published his report on cryptocurrencies. McGlone, when he correctly predicted Bitcoin’s movements; this time he mentioned Bitcoin, DOGE and SHIB. Here are the details…Dogecoin (DOGE) price and detailed market data from here you can see.

Bitcoin, DOGE and SHIB commentary by Mike McGlone

According to McGlone, November will be a busy month with developments such as the acceptance of Ethereum ETFs. Explaining his comments on Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency with its market value, the analyst said that what is necessary for BTC to go to $ 100,000 is ready; He says $60,000 is starting to form support. He thinks Ethereum can rise to $ 5,000. The analyst, who said that towards the end of the year, an upward wave may be seen rather than a pullback; states that speculative movements leave the market as a result of corrections.

Talking about Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), which are the most popular coins of recent times, the analyst said that they showed how speculative DOGE was in the first half of 2021 and SHIB in the second half of the year. He said he thinks these coins “provide entertainment for gamblers.” He said that SHIB is engaged in unique price movements, noting that this coin may be subject to pullbacks like the one DOGE experienced in May. As we reported, Shiba Inu (SHIB) reached an all-time high (ATH) last week with $0.000008616. Now it has withdrawn and is changing hands at $0.000056.

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