Not Bitcoin, These Coins Gained! I Will Buy A Lot –

Prominent cryptocurrency influencer and founder of Gokhshtein Media, David Gokhshtein, made a new statement. He recently drew attention to the rise in leading meme coin project Dogecoin (DOGE). He also stated that the meme coin Shiba Inu (SHIB), referred to as the DOGE killer, has investment potential. According to Gokhshtein, these two tokens, not Bitcoin (BTC), are gaining. As, we convey the latest posts of David Gokhshtein to you.

David Gokhshtein states that he favors diversification in the basket

Gokhshtein mentioned DOGE and SHIB in his last post on his Twitter account. In his tweet, Gokhshtein said that 50 percent of the crypto investors he knows have invested in Dogecoin. However, he also stated that he has invested more in the other meme coin, Shiba Inu, than Bitcoin. Former US congressional candidate states:

Half of the people I know have earned more in DOGE and SHIB than in BTC.

Saying that he will continue to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum, the name states that he will diversify his basket. Gokhshtein said he will always diversify from other cryptocurrencies that offer more earning potential:

I will continue to collect BTC and ETH. However, I will continue to diversify my positions.

Many investors who missed Bitcoin (BTC) turned them into millionaires overnight with DOGE and SHIB

Gokhshtein also states that diversifying his portfolio is key to growing it into the crypto space. All cryptocurrencies mentioned by the former congressional candidate have grown massively from their ATLs. Leading cryptocurrency BTC has risen to an all-time high of $69,044 (ATH). However, a large number of people did not get the chance to buy BTC at lower prices.

However, the same cannot be said for the memecoin projects DOGE and SHIB. Two dog-themed meme cryptocurrencies have turned many average earners into millionaires overnight. Dogecoin was launched as a meme in 2013. Then, the token, which started as a meme, rose to its ATH of $0.73 in May 2021, along with the tweets. Dogecoin caught the attention of Tesla CEO Elon Musk. DOGE was trading below the $0.01 level for most of January 2021. Dogecoin offered many investors an opportunity to take an early position before it started rallying towards its ATH of $0.73.

New developments on the way for DOGE and SHIB

Launched in August 2020, the Shiba Inu also did not gain popularity in its early stages. On November 28, 2020, SHIB fell to its ATL of $0.000000000056366 after the economic collapse caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin donated $1 billion worth of SHIB to a COVID-19 relief fund in India in May 2021. After Buterin’s donation, SHIB became one of the meme coins that started to be recognized. Afterwards, SHIB price rallied as high as $0.000008616.

Although both meme coins have experienced the drop from their ATH, they are likely to surpass their previous ATH in the next bull run. Dogecoin is a candidate to become Twitter’s favorite currency after Elon Musk’s takeover of the social media platform. Cryptocurrency has seen significant gains over the past week. On the other hand, the Shiba Inu has many projects that could lead to mainstream adoption in the coming months.

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