Nord Stream 2, Ukraine conflict, Greens criticism: Chancellor in defense mode

Olaf Scholz at the EU summit

The Chancellor is under pressure from the ranks of the Greens who want to stop the Nord Stream 2 project.

(Photo: Reuters)

Brussels The Federal Chancellor wants to remain vague, not to make any determinations, to keep room for maneuver, especially on sensitive issues such as the conflict with Russia over Ukraine. Scholz wants the Kremlin to understand that an attack on the neighboring country would have serious consequences. But he doesn’t want to publicly announce what exactly these episodes would look like.

At his first EU summit, the new Chancellor made it clear that he wanted to continue in Russia policy where his predecessor Angela Merkel left off. As much diplomacy as possible – and only as much toughness as is absolutely necessary.

Specifically, this means: Scholz is not moving away from the German-Russian Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline. Although Russian combat units have deployed on the Ukrainian border. And although the Russian President Vladimir Putin creates a justification for an invasion with references to an alleged genocide in the pro-Russian rebel areas.

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